Shall we tell you the history of bachelor parties?

If you think that the
bachelor parties
are a modern invention, you may be surprised to learn that they date back to ancient times. In the 5th century B.C. the farewell to bachelorhood was already celebrated in a very similar way as it is celebrated today.

Bachelor parties in Sparta

The first bachelor parties were recorded in Sparta and they were curious celebrations exclusively for men.

The Spartan soldiers hired a woman who was in charge of putting on a show, while at the same time trying by all means to seduce the future husband.

The objective, as you may have guessed, was to test if the groom would be able to withstand the female onslaught and be faithful for life to his future wife.

Bachelorette parties in Mesopotamia

In contrast to the Spartan festivals, in Ancient Mesopotamia, farewell parties were held for women only.

These bachelorette parties were convened shortly before the wedding and were intended to worship the goddess of fertility so that she would shower the couple with the joy of offspring.

The bachelorette parties in Mesopotamia lasted no less than 12 days! and women of the family, friends and all those women who got married during that year were invited.

Bachelor and bachelorette parties in Ancient Rome

In Rome, the first bachelor parties were only for women and they were organized by priestesses known as Bacchantes (Βάκχαι) because they worshipped the god Bacchus.

Later the men joined in and their farewells were celebrated with bacchanals, parties also in honor of the god Bacchus in which, of course, they drank profusely.

Later on, the first exclusive celebrations for aristocrats were known, in which the same god Bacchus was worshipped and only noble women who were relatives of the bride could participate.

In the 18th and 19th centuries

In later centuries, farewells began to be organized mainly for brides. They were then given useful objects for the future home.

Around 1890 they began to become more popular and more like what they are today, especially in Australia and the United States, where the party was dedicated to the girls, their family and their closest friends.

Today’s bachelor and bachelorette parties

In our times, bachelor parties have lost none of their charm and are celebrated both in honor of the bride-to-be and the groom-to-be. However, they have become more sophisticated and now there are numerous companies that offer the organization of events full of diverse activities and menus for all tastes.

Nowadays they are not given gifts for the future home, but it is customary for friends to be in charge of organizing the farewell party that best suits the bride and groom’s tastes.

Family and friends are invited and both mixed bachelor and bachelorette parties as well as separate gender parties are held.

How are the farewell parties for girls nowadays?

The bachelorette parties for today’s girls are very varied and fun. There are as many activities that can be performed as there are personal tastes.

They are usually organized by their closest friends, who choose the place, date, time and location so that all guests can attend without inconvenience.

The most requested bachelorette parties are those that include limousines, tuppersex meetings, jincanas, themed dinners, days on private boats, beaches and erotic waiters.

How are the farewell parties for children nowadays?

For their part, the boys are also enjoying their special farewell to bachelorhood. They usually party with friends of the same sex and commit more excesses than girls in honor of the fact that it will be their “last night of freedom”.

Future husbands tend to be more inclined to playful activities such as paintball, bubble soccer, water sports, escape games, without forgetting parties in restaurants, discos and those that include strippers or drag queens.

In both cases, there is no lack of photos or videos, and the bride and groom are often given spicy gifts or dressed up in costumes. Making them suffer ridicule is going out of fashion, but if the group agrees and the bride and groom agree, go ahead!

The idea is to give them a bachelor or bachelorette party that will leave them with a wonderful and unforgettable memory.